Lately I've been catching a lot of heat for the way I am. I speak my mind and don't really care who thinks what of it unless I'm actually offending you (which I rarely do). I'm very animated when I talk, meaning I'll get passionate about an issue that is being discussed rather quickly and because of it may come across as angry. This is false of course. I don't get upset over stupid trivial matters.
However I will get upset if you try to tell me something about myself, especially if I know it isn't true.
We go through our whole lives with people feeding us this spiel about "being ourselves", but that's all bullshit. Society doesn't want you to be original, they want you to be just like everyone else to stay within their lines of social acceptance so you can grow up to have a mortgage that will take 80 years to pay and by the you'll be dead and have lost everything you've worked for.
Hell I say, Fuck it! I'm gonna just be me, and realistically if you don't like it, there are 8 billion people in the world to be friends with, cause I sure as hell don't need someone who will criticize my eating, sleeping, working, or fucking habits. My years of being told what to do and how to act ended the day I moved out of my mother's house thank you very much!
Smooches XOXO
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